



Members and research themes

Kohtaro Ujiie (Professor)

Thomas Yeo (Researcher)

Deformation mechanisms and rheology of subduction plate boundaries

Madison Frank (PhD student)

Deformation mechanisms and rheology of mélange shear zones associated with seamount subduction

Nagisa Maruo (PhD student)

Distribution of fault rocks and kinematic history of the Median Tectonic Line

Mizuki Ueda (MS student)

Geological and experimental investigations of slow slip in the Japan Trench subduction zone

Yuto Yamasaki (MS student)

Deformation mechanisms and rheology of chlorite-actinolite schist

Shota Komagino (BS student)

Deformation mechanisms of quartz in plate boundary rocks deformed in deep slow earthquake source regions

Recent graduates and research themes

Hisaki Yamamoto (MS)

Origin of fluid responsible for silica precipitation in source area of deep slow earthquakes

Naoki Nishiyama (Researcher)

Fluid-rock interactions in subduction zones

Ginta Motohashi (PhD)

Origin of basaltic intrusive rocks in the Chichibu accretionary complex of Amami-Oshima Island, Ryukyu Arc

Wang Ding (PhD)

Effects of deep-sea anoxic events on thrust faulting in subduction zone: insights from the Jurassic accretionary complex in the Chichibu and Mino Belts

Kaoru Inoue (MS)

Development of crystallographic preferred orientation during shallow coseismic slip in limestone

Minoru Yamashita (MS)

Deformation and metamorphic conditions of metabasite and metapelite in Tomuru metamorphic rocks of Ishigaki Island, Ryukyu Arc

Terumi Ojima (MS)

Metasomatic reactions between basalt and pelite in the Naze Formation of the Shimanto accretionary complex

Kazuya Noro (MS)

Metasomatic reactions and localization of ductile shear observed in subduction mélanges exhumed from source depths of deep slow earthquakes

Haruna Masuyama (MS)

Changes in temperature and deformation mechanism during subduction: insights from Raman geothermometer and microstructures of pelitic schist in subduction mélanges

Ayaka Nagate (MS)

Frictional melting and thermal fracturing recorded in the pseudotachylyte derived from pelagic sedimentary rocks

Chizuru Ozawa (MS)

Geochemical evidence for source materials of frictional melt: an example from the pseudotachylyte in the Jurassic accretionary complex, central Japan