
杉原 薫


1.       Sugihara K., Nakamori T., Iryu Y. (1999) Coral bleaching, geological ranges, and adaptation to high sea surface temperatures. Galaxea 日本サンゴ礁学会誌, 1, p. 89-95

2.       Sugihara K., Nakamori T., Iryu Y., Sasaki K., and Blanchon P. (2003) Holocene sea-level change and tectonic uplift deduced from raised reef terrace, Kikai-jima, Ryukyu Islands, Japan. Sedimentary Geology, 159, p. 5-25

3.       Ikeda E., Iryu Y., Sugihara K., Ohba H., and Yamada T. (2006) Bathymetry, biota and sediments on Hirota Reef, Tanegashima of the northernmost coral reef in the Ryukyu Islands. Island Arc, 15, p. 407-419

4.      Sugihara K., Masunaga N., and Fujita K. (2006) Latitudinal changes in larger benthic foraminiferal assemblages in shallow-water reef sediments along the Ryukyu Islands, Japan. Island Arc, 15, p. 437-454

5.      杉原薫・ 園田直樹・今福太郎・永田俊輔・指宿敏幸・山野博哉(2009) 九州西岸から隠岐諸島にかけての造礁サンゴ群集の緯度変化.日本サンゴ礁学会誌, 11, p. 51-67

6.       深見裕伸・立川浩之・鈴木豪・永田俊輔・杉原薫2010) 日本における造礁性イシサンゴ類の同定の現状とその分類学的問題点.日本サンゴ礁学会誌, 13, p. 17-31

7.       Iryu Y., Takahashi Y., Fujita K., Camoin G., Cabioch G., Matsuda H., Sato T., Sugihara K., Webster J.M., Westphal H. (2010) Sea level history recorded in the Pleistocene carbonate sequence in IODP Hole 310-M0005D, off Tahiti. Island Arc, 19, p. 690-706

8.       Abbey E., Webster J.M., Braga J.C., Sugihara K., Wallace C., Iryu Y., Potts D., Done T., Camoin G., Seard C. (2010) Variations in deglacial coralgal assemblages and their paleoenvironmental significance: IODP Expedition 310 "Tahiti Sea Level". Global and Planetary Changes, 76, p. 1-15

9.       Yamano H., Sugihara K., Nomura K. (2011) Rapid poleward range expansion of tropical reef corals in response to rising sea surface temperatures. Geophysical Research Letters, 38, L04601, doi:10.1029/2010GL046474

10.   Yamano H., Sugihara K., Watanabe T., Shimamura M., Hyeong K. (2012) Coral reefs at 34°N, Japan: Exploring the end of environmental gradients. Geology, 40, p. 835-838

11.   Yamano H., Sugihara K., Goto K., Kazama T., Yokoyama K. (2012) Ranges of obligate coral-dwelling crabs extend northward as their hosts move north. Coral Reefs, 31, p. 663

12.   永田俊輔・杉原薫・入野智久・渡邊剛・山野博哉(2013) 日本の亜熱帯域と温帯域におけるキクメイシDipsastraea speciosa (Dana, 1846) の 骨格成長.日本サンゴ礁学会誌, 15, p. 37-56

13.   Hamblet M., Hongo C., Sugihara K. (2015) An identification guide to some major Quaternary fossil reef-building coral genera (Acropora, Isopora, Montipora, and Porites). Island Arc, 24, p. 16-30

14.   Takao S., Yamano H., Sugihara K., Kumagai N. H., Fujii M., Yamanaka Y. (2015) An improved estimation of the poleward expansion of coral habitats based on the inter-annual variation of sea surface temperatures. Coral Reefs, 34, p. 1125-1137

15.   Nakamori T., Sugihara K., Tachikawa H., Kaneko., N (2016) Cenozoic corals. In: Kaneko., N and Ogasawara K. (eds) The database of Japanese fossil type specimens described during the 20th century (Part 5). Palaeontological Society of Japan Special Papers, 43, p. 16-33



1.       Yamano H., Sugihara K., Nakai T., and Yamagawa O. (2004) Iki Islands. In Ministry of the Environment and Japanese Coral Reef Society (eds.). Coral Reefs of Japan. Ministry of the Environment, Tokyo, pp. 242-244

2.       山 野博哉・杉原薫・中井達郎・山川修(2004) 壱岐.環境省・日本サンゴ礁学会〈編〉日本のサンゴ礁, 環境省, 東京, pp. 250-252

3.       Sugihara, K., Yamano, H. (2004) Tsushima Archipelago. In Ministry of the Environment and Japanese Coral Reef Society (eds.). Coral Reefs of Japan. Ministry of the Environment, Tokyo, pp. 245-247

4.       杉原薫・ 山野博哉(2004) 対馬.環境省・日本サンゴ礁学会〈編〉日本のサンゴ礁,環境省,東京,pp. 252-256

5.       山野博哉・杉原薫2013) 九州・四国・本州のサンゴ群集.柴山知也・茅根創〈編〉図説日本の海岸.朝倉書店,東京,pp. 102-103

6.       杉原薫2014) 琉球大学資料館(風樹館)中城湾サンゴ類標本目録.琉球大学資料館(風樹館)収蔵資料目録第9号,p. 1-82

7.       Sugihara K., Yamano H., Choi K.-S., Hyeong K. (2014) Zoothanthellate coral communities in Jeju Island, Republic of Korea. In: Nakano, S., Yahara, T., and Nakashizuka, T. (eds.) Asia-Pacific biodiversity observation network: Integrative Observations and Assessments of Asian Biodiversity. Springer Japan, Tokyo, pp.111-130

8.       Yamano H., Hongo C., Sugihara K., Yara Y., Nakao Y., Fujii M. (2014) Current status of the national coral database in Japan: dataset development, applications, and future directions. In: Nakano, S., Yahara, T., and Nakashizuka, T. (eds.) Asia-Pacific biodiversity observation network: Integrative Observations and Assessments of Asian Biodiversity. Springer Japan, Tokyo, pp.65-82

9.       杉原薫・ 野村恵一・横地洋之・下池和幸・梶原健次・鈴木豪・座安佑奈・出羽尚子・深見裕伸・北野裕子・松本尚・目﨑拓真・永田俊輔・立川浩之・木村匡(2015) 日本の有藻性イシサンゴ類~種子島編~.国立環境研究所生物・生態系環境研究センター,つくば,pp. 1-198

10.   杉原薫2016) 琉球大学資料館(風樹館)パラオ・グアム産サンゴ類標本目録.琉球大学資料館(風樹館)収蔵資料目録第11号,p.1-127

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