1. Fujino, S., Masuda, F., Tagomori. S., and Matsumoto, D., (2006) Structure and depositional processes of a gravelly tsunami deposit in a shallow marine setting. Lower Cretaceous Miyako Group, Japan. Sedimentary Geology, 187, 127–138.
2. Fujino, S., Naruse, H., Suphawajruksakul, A., Jarupongsakul, T., Murayama, M. and Ichihara, T., (2008) Thickness and grain size distribution of Indian Ocean tsunami deposits at Khao Lak and Phra Thong Island, southwestern Thailand. In: Shiki, T., Tsuji, Y., Yamazaki, T. and Minoura, K. (Eds.). Tsunamites – Features and implications. Elsevier, Berlin, pp. 123-132.
3. Matsumoto, D., Naruse, H., Fujino, S., Suphawajruksakul, A., Jarupongsakul, T. and Sakakura, N., (2008). Truncated flame structures within deposit of the Indian Ocean Tsunami: evidence of syn-sedimentary deformation.Sedimentology, 55, 1559−1570.
4. 後藤和久, 藤野滋弘 (2008) 2004年インド洋大津波後の津波堆積物研究の新たな展開. 地質学雑誌, 114, 599–617.
5. Fujino, S., Naruse, H., Matsumoto, D., Jarupongsakul, T., Sphawajruksakul, A., Sakakura, N., (2009) Stratigraphic evidence for pre-2004 tsunamis in southwestern Thailand. Marine Geology, 262, 25-28.
6. Naruse, H., Fujino, S., Suphawajruksakul, A., Jarupongsakul, T. (2010) Features and formation processes of multiple deposition layers from the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami at Ban Nam Kem, southern Thailand. Island Arc, 19, 399–411.
7. Fujino, S., Naruse, H., Matsumoto, D., Sakakura, N., Jarupongsakul, T. (2010) Detailed measurements of thickness and grain-size of widespread onshore tsunami deposit, southwestern Thailand. Island Arc, 19, 389–398.
8. Goto, K., Chagué-Goff, C., Fujino, S., Goff, J., Jaffe, B., Nishimura, Y., Richmond, B., Suguwara, D., Szczuciński, W., Tappin, D.R., Witter, R., Yulianto, E. (2011) New insights of tsunami hazard from the 2011 Tohoku-oki event. Marine Geology, 290, 46–50.
9. Goto, K., Takahashi, J., Fujino, S. (2012) Local variation and preservation potential of the deposits formed by the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami at southwestern Thailand. Earth, Planets and Space, 64, 923–930.
10. Goto, K., Sugawara, D., Abe, T., Haraguchi, T., Fujino, S.(2012) Liquefaction as an important source of the 2011 Tohoku-oki tsunami deposits at Sendai Plain, Japan. Geology, 40, 887–890.
11. Mori, N., Takahashi, T., the 2011 Tohoku Earthquake Tsunami Joint Survey Group (299 authors) (2012) Coastal Engineering Journal, Vol. 54, DOI: 10.1142/S0578563412500015.
12. The 2011 Tohoku Earthquake Tsunami Joint Survey Group (299 authors)(2012) Nationwide field survey of the 2011 off the Pacific coast of Tohoku Earthquake and tsunami. Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. B2 (Coastal Engineering), 67, 63–66.
13. 後藤和久, 西村裕一, 菅原大助, 藤野滋弘 (2012) 日本の津波堆積物研究. 地質学雑誌 (ノート), 118, 431–436.
14. Goto, K., Fujima, K., Sugawara, D., Fujino, S., Imai, K., Tsudaka, R., Abe, T., Haraguchi, T. (2013) Field measurements and numerical modeling for the run-up heights and inundation distances of the 2011 Tohoku-oki tsunami at Sendai Plain, Japan. Earth Planets and Space. 64, 1247–1257.
15. Richmond, B., Szczuciński,W., Goto,K.,Sugawara,D., Witter,R., Tappin,D.R., Jaffe,B., Fujino,S., Nishimura,Y., Chagué-Goff,C., Goff, J. (2013) Erosion, deposition, flow characteristics, and landscape change on the Sendai coastal plain,Japan, resulting from the March 11, 2011 Tōhoku-oki tsunami.Sedimentary Geology, 282, 27–39.
16. Jaffe, B.E., Goto, K., Sugawara, D., Richmond, B.M., Fujino, S., Nishimura, Y. (2013) Flow speed estimated by inverse modeling of sandy tsunami deposits: results from the 11 March 2011 tsunami on the coastal plain near the Sendai Airport, Honshu, Japan.Sedimentary Geology. 282, 90–109.
17. Fujino, S. and Maeda H. (2013) Environmental changes and shallow marine fossil bivalve assemblages of the Lower Cretaceous Miyako Group, NE Japan. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 64, 168–179.
18. 山田昌樹, 藤野滋弘 (2013) 2011年東北地方太平洋沖地震津波で形成された津波堆積物の堆積学的特徴. 堆積学研究, 72, 13–25.
19. Yamada, M., Fujino, S., Goto, K. (2014) Deposition of sediments of diverse sizes by the 2011 Tohoku-oki tsunami at Miyako City, Japa. Marine Geology, 358, 67–78.
20. Goto, K., Fujino, S., Sugawara, D., Nishimura, Y. (2014) The current situation of tsunami geology under new policies for disaster countermeasures in Japan.Episodes, 37, 258–264.
21. Fujino, S., Sieh, K., Meltzner, A.J., Yulianto, E., Chiang, H.W. (2014) Ambiguous correlation of precisely dated coral detritus with the tsunamis of 1861 and 1907 at Simeulue Island, Aceh Province, Indonesia. Marine Geology, 357, 384–391.
22. Shinozaki, T., Goto, K., Fujino, S., Sugawara, D., Chiba, T.(2015) Erosion of a paleo-tsunami record by the 2011 Tohoku-oki tsunami along the southern Sendai Plain. Marine Geology, 369,127–136.
23. Shinozaki, T., Fujino, S., Ikehara, M., Sawai, Y., Tamura, T., Goto, K., Sugawara, D., Abe, T. (2015) Marine biomarkers deposited on coastal land by the 2011 Tohoku-oki tsunami. Natural Hazards, 77, 445–460.
24. Fujiwara,O., Fujino,S., Komatsubara,J., Morita,Y., Namegaya,Y. (2016) Paleoecological evidence for coastal subsidence during five great earthquakes in the past 1500 years along the northern onshore continuation of the Nankai subduction zone.Quaternary International, 397, 523–540.
25. Matsumoto, D., Sawai, Y., Yamada, M., Namegaya, Y., Shinozaki, T., Takeda, D., Fujino, S., Tanigawa, K., Nakamura, A. and Pilarczyk, J.(2016) Erosion and sedimentation during the September 2015 flooding of the Kinu River, central Japan. Scientific Reports, 6, 34168.
26. Yamada, M., Fujino, S., Goff, J. and Chagué-Goff, C.(2016) Large-scale erosion and overbank deposition caused by the July 2013 flood of the Abu River, Yamaguchi City, Japan. Island Arc, 25, 386–399.
27. 宍倉正展, 澤井祐紀, 岡村行信, 小松原純子, AUNG Than Tin, 石山達也, 藤原治, 藤野滋弘 (2007). 石巻平野における津波堆積物の分布と年代, 活断層・古地震研究報告, 7, 31–46.
28. 藤野滋弘, 小松原純子. 宍倉正展, 木村治夫, 行谷佑一(2008)志摩半島におけるハンドコアラーを用いた古津波堆積物調査報告. 活断層・古地震研究報告,8, 255–265.
29. 宍倉正展, 藤野滋弘, 行谷佑一, 五十嵐厚夫(2008)離水浜堤のジオスライサー調査による旭山丘陵直下に分布する伏在断層の活動性評価. 活断層・古地震研究報告, 8, 1–16.
30. 藤野滋弘, (2003). 天草上島に分布する上部白亜系姫浦層群の堆積相と化石の産状. 三笠市立博物館紀要, 7, 27–36.
31. 藤野滋弘, 松本 弾, 成瀬 元, 藤田和彦, Suphawajruksakul, A. and Jarupongsakul, T., (2006) 陸上津波堆積物の堆積構造と堆積過程 −タイ南西部におけるインド洋津波の例−. 月刊地球, 28, no. 8, 558–562.
32. 藤野滋弘 (2012) 陸上津波堆積物の多様な粒度,層厚,堆積構造. 堆積学研究, 71, 102–103.
33. Fujino, S., Goto, K., Tappin, D., Fujiwara, O. (2016) Geological records of storms, tsunamis and other extreme events. Island Arc, 25, 303–304.
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